IQcent Multilingual Support

IQcent Multilingual Support

Multilingual Support As an international publication representing an international market, we aim to reach all of our clients worldwide. Being proficient in many languages tears d...
How to Contact IQCent Support

How to Contact IQCent Support

One of the greatest challenges trader will have while trading is lack of support. But at IQCent, you have customer support via video live chat, phone calls and email. Above all, you have the option to join the group chat or private chat.
How to Trade Forex and CFD at IQcent

How to Trade Forex and CFD at IQcent

What is CFD? CFD - Contract for Difference. CFD is type of financial asset which helps trader to gain and earn in a continuous way. By predicting the move of a currency, trade...
How to Register Account in IQcent

How to Register Account in IQcent

How to Register at IQcent Registration on the platform is a simple process consisting of just a few clicks. Click "Sign Up" Please be sure that you fill all data correctly....
How to Verify IQcent Account

How to Verify IQcent Account

1. Login IQcent account 2. Click Settings —} personal data  If it doesn’t come up right away, refresh or log out and log back in 3. Choose which ID Type you would like to ...